Name: Brent Desjarlais
Company: BPS Assessing
Address: 1800 16th Avenue; Menominee, MI 49858
Phone: 906-753-4387
Through the Office of the Assessor, Norway Township appraises the value of each parcel of real and personal property in the
township. This is done through maintenance of assessment records and appraisal of all taxpayers’ property per guidance and
standards of the State of Michigan.
The Norway Township Assessor's office receives and processes the following documentation:
Principle Residence Exemption form (homestead exemption)
PRE Rescission form (removing a PRE)
Property Transfer Affidavit form
Qualified Agricultural Exemption form
Disabled Veterans Exemption form (must be submitted with most current Summary of Benefits/Determination letter from
Veterans Affairs)
All forms are preferred to be emailed directly to:
Assessor Brent Desjarlais at
Or by mail to
BPS Assessing
1800 16th Avenue
Menominee, MI 49858
See the Township Supervisor for information and applications regarding
Land Division (splits and combinations)
Poverty Exemption
For information on Michigan State-run programs, please see their websites:
Qualified Forest Program (MDARD)
Commercial Forest Program (DNR)
Annual Assessment Change Notice
Changes in Assessed and/or Taxable Values can occur due to: Inflation, annual calculation of Land and Building Values based
on market conditions, New Ownership, New Construction, Improvements (buildings, etc.) that were previously omitted and
discovered/unreported, Demolitions, Removal of Improvements, and so on.
Calendar of Tax Related Dates
The Assessor updates assessed values using land value studies and economic condition factors (ECFs).
Through the Office of the Assessor, the township inspects more than 20% of all property annually to ensure fair & equitable
property assessments. These exterior inspections usually occur May 1 to December 31, 8am - 6pm business days. You are not
required to grant inspection. If you so choose, contact the Assessor’s Office directly. Such properties must still be appraised
through estimated assessment.
Records And Information
Information on property records are available online at Dickinson County GIS or BS&A Online. Arrangement of an in-person
meeting may be requested through the contact information provided. Additionally, requests for inspection, production of
records or informal hearing prior to March Board of Review is also available at the contact information provided. Responses
will be given within 7 days or less.
Board of Review
The Board of Review (BOR) is a panel of property owners in your jurisdiction. Their duty as members of the BOR is to hear
property assessment appeals, property classification appeals, applications for hardship exemptions, and to correct any clerical
errors or mutual mistakes of fact that occur after assessments are finalized each year. The Board of Review hears general
taxpayer appeals at its March meeting. Meeting dates and times will be listed on your assessment change notice. Residents
may appear in person or may protest to the Board in writing. You must be able to support your assertions with data showing
why you believe your assessment to be incorrect. Decisions will be rendered promptly.
Board Of Review Members
Al Burklund, 906-396-4256 - term expires 12/2024
Sue Giesen, 906-563-8514 - term expires 12/2024
Lynda Zanon, 906-563-8354 - term expires 12/2024
Assessment Appeals
If you believe the market would not support the Assessor’s estimate for your property, or that your assessment is not equitable
with others, please bring this to the Assessor’s attention. Our Assessor will be glad to answer your questions and explain how
to appeal the assessment to the Board of Review.
For detailed information about the Michigan Tax Tribunal and the appeals process, please visit their website.
Taxpayers who disagree with the Board of Review’s determination regarding property classification may appeal to the State Tax
Commission by June 30 of the year under appeal. More information is available on their website.
Name: Brent Desjarlais
Company: BPS Assessing
Address: 1800 16th Avenue; Menominee, MI 49858
Phone: 906-753-4387
Through the Office of the Assessor, Norway Township appraises the value of each
parcel of real and personal property in the township. This is done through
maintenance of assessment records and appraisal of all taxpayers’ property per
guidance and standards of the State of Michigan.
The Norway Township Assessor's office receives and processes the following
Principle Residence Exemption form (homestead exemption)
PRE Rescission form (removing a PRE)
Property Transfer Affidavit form
Qualified Agricultural Exemption form
Disabled Veterans Exemption form (must be submitted with most current
Summary of Benefits/Determination letter from Veterans Affairs)
All forms are preferred to be emailed directly to:
Assessor Brent Desjarlais at
Or by mail to
BPS Assessing
1800 16th Avenue
Menominee, MI 49858
See the Township Supervisor for information and applications regarding
Land Division (splits and combinations)
Poverty Exemption
For information on Michigan State-run programs, please see their websites:
Qualified Forest Program (MDARD)
Commercial Forest Program (DNR)
Annual Assessment Change Notice
Changes in Assessed and/or Taxable Values can occur due to: Inflation, annual
calculation of Land and Building Values based on market conditions, New
Ownership, New Construction, Improvements (buildings, etc.) that were previously
omitted and discovered/unreported, Demolitions, Removal of Improvements, and
so on.
Calendar of Tax Related Dates
The Assessor updates assessed values using land value studies and economic
condition factors (ECFs).
Through the Office of the Assessor, the township inspects more than 20% of all
property annually to ensure fair & equitable property assessments. These exterior
inspections usually occur May 1 to December 31, 8am - 6pm business days. You
are not required to grant inspection. If you so choose, contact the Assessor’s
Office directly. Such properties must still be appraised through estimated
Records And Information
Information on property records are available online at Dickinson County GIS or
BS&A Online. Arrangement of an in-person meeting may be requested through
the contact information provided. Additionally, requests for inspection, production
of records or informal hearing prior to March Board of Review is also available at
the contact information provided. Responses will be given within 7 days or less.
Board of Review
The Board of Review (BOR) is a panel of property owners in your jurisdiction. Their
duty as members of the BOR is to hear property assessment appeals, property
classification appeals, applications for hardship exemptions, and to correct any
clerical errors or mutual mistakes of fact that occur after assessments are
finalized each year. The Board of Review hears general taxpayer appeals at its
March meeting. Meeting dates and times will be listed on your assessment change
notice. Residents may appear in person or may protest to the Board in writing.
You must be able to support your assertions with data showing why you believe
your assessment to be incorrect. Decisions will be rendered promptly.
Board Of Review Members
Al Burklund, 906-396-4256 - term expires 12/2024
Sue Giesen, 906-563-8514 - term expires 12/2024
Lynda Zanon, 906-563-8354 - term expires 12/2024
Assessment Appeals
If you believe the market would not support the Assessor’s estimate for your
property, or that your assessment is not equitable with others, please bring this to
the Assessor’s attention. Our Assessor will be glad to answer your questions and
explain how to appeal the assessment to the Board of Review.
For detailed information about the Michigan Tax Tribunal and the appeals process,
please visit their website.
Taxpayers who disagree with the Board of Review’s determination regarding
property classification may appeal to the State Tax Commission by June 30 of the
year under appeal. More information is available on their website.
Name: Brent Desjarlais
Company: BPS Assessing
Address: 1800 16th Avenue;
Menominee, MI 49858
Phone: 906-753-4387
Through the Office of the Assessor,
Norway Township appraises the
value of each parcel of real and
personal property in the township.
This is done through maintenance
of assessment records and
appraisal of all taxpayers’ property
per guidance and standards of the
State of Michigan.
The Norway Township Assessor's
office receives and processes the
following documentation:
Principle Residence Exemption
form (homestead exemption)
PRE Rescission form (removing
a PRE)
Property Transfer Affidavit form
Qualified Agricultural
Exemption form
Disabled Veterans Exemption
form (must be submitted with
most current Summary of
Benefits/Determination letter
from Veterans Affairs)
All forms are preferred to be
emailed directly to:
Assessor Brent Desjarlais at
Or by mail to
BPS Assessing
1800 16th Avenue
Menominee, MI 49858
See the Township Supervisor for
information and applications
Land Division (splits and
Poverty Exemption
For information on Michigan State-
run programs, please see their
Qualified Forest Program
Commercial Forest Program
Annual Assessment Change
Changes in Assessed and/or
Taxable Values can occur due to:
Inflation, annual calculation of
Land and Building Values based on
market conditions, New
Ownership, New Construction,
Improvements (buildings, etc.) that
were previously omitted and
Demolitions, Removal of
Improvements, and so on.
Calendar of Tax Related Dates
The Assessor updates assessed
values using land value studies
and economic condition factors
Through the Office of the Assessor,
the township inspects more than
20% of all property annually to
ensure fair & equitable property
assessments. These exterior
inspections usually occur May 1 to
December 31, 8am - 6pm business
days. You are not required to grant
inspection. If you so choose,
contact the Assessor’s Office
directly. Such properties must still
be appraised through estimated
Records And Information
Information on property records
are available online at Dickinson
County GIS or BS&A Online.
Arrangement of an in-person
meeting may be requested
through the contact information
provided. Additionally, requests for
inspection, production of records
or informal hearing prior to March
Board of Review is also available at
the contact information provided.
Responses will be given within 7
days or less.
Board of Review
The Board of Review (BOR) is a
panel of property owners in your
jurisdiction. Their duty as
members of the BOR is to hear
property assessment appeals,
property classification appeals,
applications for hardship
exemptions, and to correct any
clerical errors or mutual mistakes
of fact that occur after
assessments are finalized each
year. The Board of Review hears
general taxpayer appeals at its
March meeting. Meeting dates and
times will be listed on your
assessment change notice.
Residents may appear in person or
may protest to the Board in
writing. You must be able to
support your assertions with data
showing why you believe your
assessment to be incorrect.
Decisions will be rendered
Board Of Review Members
Al Burklund, 906-396-4256 -
term expires 12/2024
Sue Giesen, 906-563-8514 -
term expires 12/2024
Lynda Zanon, 906-563-8354 -
term expires 12/2024
Assessment Appeals
If you believe the market would
not support the Assessor’s
estimate for your property, or that
your assessment is not equitable
with others, please bring this to
the Assessor’s attention. Our
Assessor will be glad to answer
your questions and explain how to
appeal the assessment to the
Board of Review.
For detailed information about the
Michigan Tax Tribunal and the
appeals process, please visit their
Taxpayers who disagree with the
Board of Review’s determination
regarding property classification
may appeal to the State Tax
Commission by June 30 of the year
under appeal. More information is
available on their website.